速報APP / 健康塑身 / pslove Period Tracker: PMS & Ovulation C

pslove Period Tracker: PMS & Ovulation C





版本需求:Android 4.4 以上版本




pslove Period Tracker: PMS & Ovulation Calendar(圖1)-速報App

Thanks for getting us to #6 on Trending during launch week!


Our customer reviews:

pslove Period Tracker: PMS & Ovulation Calendar(圖2)-速報App

❤️ “I like that it's not completely pink and there are no ads”

❤️ “I especially love the calendar sync function to my google and iCal which I didn’t see in other period tracker apps. Am in love with the design too! 5 stars!!!”

❤️ “Really enjoy using the app! Since I downloaded the app, new features are constantly being added to make each experience a better one. Thanks for the app!”

pslove Period Tracker: PMS & Ovulation Calendar(圖3)-速報App

❤️ “It tracks my period pretty accurately, and I love the interface! The features are great and just what I needed!”



pslove Period Tracker: PMS & Ovulation Calendar(圖4)-速報App

☻ Accurate & reliable period prediction countdown

☻ Fertile window and ovulation countdown

☻Tracks your PMS symptoms, fertility, and feminine health: periods, blood flow intensity, sex, menstrual cramps, mood, bodily pains, discharge, abnormal signs

pslove Period Tracker: PMS & Ovulation Calendar(圖5)-速報App

☻ Schedule period reminders & notifications

☻ Personalised tips & recommendations on how to manage your period symptoms & fertility

☻ Personalised insights from analysing your symptoms over your past cycles

pslove Period Tracker: PMS & Ovulation Calendar(圖6)-速報App

☻ Discreet privacy mode to safely view your period calendar & countdown

☻ Google Calendar & iCal sync

☻ Absolutely free! No ads

pslove Period Tracker: PMS & Ovulation Calendar(圖7)-速報App

pslove Period Tracker: PMS & Ovulation Calendar(圖8)-速報App